WARNING: our programs are not your typical Israel trip.
No prior agricultural experience needed. Everyone is welcome – we have trips for young and old, men and women, families and singles.
(okay, sometimes we use a bus, but we usually get it dirty)
This was the experience of a lifetime. Knowing you are fulfilling prophecy by working the vineyards in Samaria has been the most fulfilling event in my spiritual life since my salvation experience in 1970.
I experienced the Bible, the Word of God, not anymore as reading a book, but alive. The places and events from the past and nowadays are now connected in my mind and I have started to understand in a different way my Bible. I discovered a completely new world for me.
Seeing first hand biblical prophecy coming to life as we worked in the vineyards was very gratifying. We are thankful to have been able to experience Israel with the other volunteers from all over the world as well as the HaYovel staff. You made us feel very welcome and gave us great insight into the land of Israel.
The time I spent with HaYovel was the greatest and most unforgettable time I have ever had, in my trips to Israel… It was such a blessing to work side by side, with my brethren, picking grapes, touring, and meeting our Jewish friends.
I’ve been to several pruning trips with HaYovel, and each one has been very life changing and defining for me as a man. I would highly recommend the pruning trip to any man that places a high value on pursuing God, investing in the lives of others, and being challenged to grow as a man.
I love the God of the Bible… Serving in His Land and among His People has allowed me to get to know Him in a deeper, more real way. Now I read the stories in the Bible with different eyes. Before, I read the play; now I have been on the stage and it has all become so much more ALIVE and REAL!!!!
This is a shame, because 85% of our bible was either written, or took place in Israel’s rich heartland.
For the last eighteen years, HaYovel has been bringing Christians from all over the world to Judea and Samaria. This has given us the opportunity to serve 12-15 small farmers every year located all throughout the region.
Even though our programs focus on volunteer service, we find that most people connect to the land and people of Israel in an incredibly deep way.
Or picture yourself pruning vines on the Mount of Blessing where Jesus ministered to the woman at the well. You will meet the local people of Judea and hear their stories of courage and pioneering.
The Scriptures are replete with prophecies about Israel’s mountains and heartland coming back to life. Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Joel, and Amos talk about the mountains blooming, vineyards coming back to life, the Jewish people settling here once again, AND the nations coming to participate in all of these prophetic acts. That means YOU!
It’s a deep dive into the restoration of God’s Kingdom and a powerful investment into the land and people of Israel. Instead of just sitting on the sidelines, you will have an active role in this exciting story!