Tommy Waller, president and founder of HaYovel, found his life’s mission in the mountains of Israel in 2004. Today, his entire family works alongside him to educate the Christian world about the unique role of the Jewish people and their position in the nation of Israel. Tommy and Sherri, his wife of 37 years, have 11 children and 30 grandchildren, and counting.
Tommy was born into a devoted Southern Baptist family, the grandson of a minister. His family generously hosted friends and family regularly.In 1994, Tommy left his corporate management position at FedEx to come home and learn to live off the land in an Amish community – a little out of the norm!
Living off the grid for 6 years stripped away all the distractions of the modern American lifestyle while developing strong family ties and work ethics. The focus on the family created a deep confidence and sense of security. As the Waller family seriously studied the Bible, God turned their hearts and minds toward Israel. Tommy traveled to Israel for the first time in 2004 with some friends on a business trip. It was then that he first saw the vineyards and read the prophecies that are now being fulfilled. His deep faith and wholeheartedness called him to trade the ordinary for the extraordinary! Tommy began traveling back and forth with his family and friends. HaYovel began by helping one vineyard owner with his fields. Now HaYovel is the largest volunteer organization in Israel bringing foreign volunteers, and its volunteers harvest over 400 tons of grapes annually, representing 30 different nations. The vineyards in Samaria have increased by 800%!
Tommy courageously challenges past failed relationship attempts between Jews and Christians. He strongly advocates for the Christian community to support the Jewish community in their God-given role as a light to the world, teaching the word of God to the nations. Under Tommy’s direction, HaYovel has become a bridge between Christian nations and the heartland of Israel. With key relationships in the Israeli Knesset, oversight by the Har Bracha Council and strong support in Samaria, Tommy has become a leading voice of truth.
Joshua is the third oldest of the 11 Waller children. He first came to Israel when he was 14 years old with his family, and felt the Land and her people grip his heart. Since then, he has been actively involved in field operations in Israel. At a young age, Joshua took on and managed the Harvest and Pruning trip operations.
Now, Joshua works as HaYovel’s Operations Director. He enjoys the logistical puzzle of working out the details of programs and events. He also loves the opportunity to communicate to the HaYovel staff and every volunteer he meets in Israel and the nations with the message of God’s restoration for Israel.
Joshua also co-hosts The Israel Guys show and speaks across the United States and around the world. Joshua loves to share a good report of the Land with everyone he meets, in the same spirit as his biblical namesake.
In 2016, Joshua found and married the love of his life, Katelyn, in their most favorite place on earth—the vineyards of Israel. To date, they have three beautiful girls. Joshua and Katelyn are passionate to see the Land of Israel become green again and the nations take part in Israel’s redemption. The two love working together as a team and praise the Father that their life’s calling is to get to be a part of building up the Land and people of Israel.
Born and raised in Virginia Beach, VA, at age 16, Luke was privileged to join his mother on a trip to Israel. Little did he know he would be forever changed as he began to see his Bible come to life. Since then, and more than fifteen trips to Israel later, he has become a passionate advocate on behalf of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria – the heartland of Israel. Luke has been speaking to groups around the world since 2011, and has traveled extensively in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. His heart is to see God’s Kingdom restored to Israel. His passion is to tell the story of Israel to millions of Christian Zionists around the world, inspiring them to engage in God’s story that is unfolding in the Holy Land.
Luke’s management abilities in marketing and media began to surface in 2014, and in the spring of 2016, Luke became the Director of Marketing at HaYovel. His job includes overseeing email campaigns, social media, website design and programming, advertising, printing, and producing HaYovel products and media. Under Luke’s gifted hands, HaYovel has gained international airtime for the popular show The Joshua and Caleb Report: Stories from the Heartland of Israel.
Luke serves as a writer and producer of the organization’s many short films. He currently co-hosts The Israel Guys Youtube channel and podcast.
In 2014, Luke found the love of his life in Olivia Waller, and they were married soon after. They now have five beautiful children, four girls and one boy. When not traveling, the family spends most of their time on the Mt. of Blessing at HaYovel’s base.
Nate Waller grew up in the work of HaYovel, being number five of the eleven Waller children. He has a passion to see Israel’s agricultural restoration and the Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem. He and his wife, Katie, along with their four beautiful children, are blessed to be able to work almost full-time in Israel, spending short periods of time in the US for events.
Nate works with his brother Joshua to coordinate the volunteer seasons in Israel, and to carry out many of the logistics for volunteer programs. He maintains ongoing communication with the farmers and plans work days for harvest, pruning and other events throughout the year. Currently, Nate serves as Head of Housing on the campus in Israel, organizing lodging for volunteers and growing facilities as necessary. He is also the Head of Security for the Israel base facilities.
Zac Waller was born in Kentucky and raised in the hills of Tennessee, but he found his life calling on the mountains of Samaria in the heartland of re-born Israel. At the age of thirteen, he dedicated his life to the God of Israel and professed Yeshua (Jesus) as his Lord and Savior. Little did he know that this commitment would lead him to a thriving vineyard on the Mount of Blessing in Samaria. It was there, during the grape harvest of 2007, that the call was made clear – Almighty God was resurrecting the land and people of Israel, and the nations needed to participate! That following year, in recognition of his managerial giftings that had blossomed while farming with his family in Tennessee, HaYovel’s Board of Directors voted him in as its Director. After six years of much growth and success, Zac was promoted to the position of Executive Director.
In the spring of 2011, Zac chose Becca Jackson, a beautiful and virtuous young lady who had volunteered during two prior harvests, to be his bride. They are now the proud parents of four lionhearted boys and two beautiful little girls.
In addition to his leadership in HaYovel and family responsibilities, Zac has a weekly segment on the Joshua and Caleb Report podcast. The stories from his life experiences, combined with thought-provoking teachings from the Scripture and Jewish culture are a beacon of light to many around the globe.
Worshipping his Creator through music and song is also a passion of Zac’s. He began leading worship at his congregation at age 15. The Waller family and friends have produced several albums. Zac is most known for his songs and music videos Israel, You’re Not Alone and Restoration.
Zac Waller is a leader, a teacher, and a man of faith, dedicated to walking with, equipping and undergirding God’s people in the nations, empowering them to serve the God of Israel, bringing about the restoration of all things!
Drew is originally from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. His first time in Israel was a volunteer trip with HaYovel in 2014. Going to Israel was a dream come true that he’d had since he was 10 years old. Standing upon the soil of this special land and touching miraculous millennia-old prophecy come true, his heart was captivated by God’s loving faithfulness and the breathtaking story of redemption that is unfolding in our generation. In 2015, Drew graduated from HaYovel’s six-month Heartland Ambassador Internship Program and began working full-time on HaYovel’s staff in December 2015.
Today, he serves as the organization’s digital marketing manager, website administrator, and IT specialist. This includes managing social media pages and online advertising for both HaYovel and our pro-Israel media channel The Israel Guys.
Drew loves to share the miraculous story of Israel’s restoration through online content, photography and graphic design, as well as traveling the world to speak at churches and events about what God is doing in Israel.
Drew and his wife, Caroline, first met in 2015 and got married overlooking the Mediterranean coast of Israel in 2020. Today, they reside in the United States, championing Israel and HaYovel’s mission through marketing, media, and all that other behind the scenes tech stuff!
Britt grew up as the ninth born child in the Waller family. He made his first trip to the Land in 2005 at 6 years old, thinking that Israel would be like a storybook with people dressed in biblical attire riding donkeys. He quickly realized that just as Israel is a real place of the present, the Bible and our faith is also more than a story of the past, it is a reality of the present and future!
He is passionate about sharing this reality with others through managing HaYovel’s Sons of Zion program, leading volunteers during operations, and speaking to churches and congregations around the world. Britt also serves as the Logistics Coordinator for HaYovel’s US and Israel events and programs.
Britt married his beloved wife Taryn in 2019. They love working together toward seeing Israel’s full redemption and God’s presence restored in Zion.
Ben grew up in an amazing homeschooled family of eight children in Virginia Beach, VA. Since he was very young, Ben has been fascinated with technology and creative imagination, always thinking “out of the box.” Homeschooling lent itself well to this bent, and in 2010 Ben made his first trip to Israel with HaYovel.
Shortly after this, Ben began producing short videos for HaYovel which eventually launched itself into a media department working alongside his older brother Luke. In 2012 they produced their first documentary about HaYovel, and the two went on to write, film and edit over 30 episodes of the Joshua and Caleb Report TV series along with many other inspirational short films and promotionals. Their work has aired on many TV stations around the world, as well as won awards in Israeli film competitions. Ben is not only passionate about film and storytelling, but also about the Temple Mount and the desire to see all nations worshiping God on His Holy Mountain.
In April of 2019, Ben was blessed to marry the love of his life Stefania Bikowsky. They spend most of their time on the HaYovel base on the Mt. of Blessing in Israel. There Ben manages the media department, continuing to produce films and shows for HaYovel. When not behind a camera or computer, he also leads tours on the Temple Mount, and recently authored his first book, Jesus Loves the Temple.
Josiah was born and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia in a Christian home with a love for God and His word. At the young age of 11, he was privileged to make his first trip to Israel with his family in 2010. He has grown up making frequent trips to the land to serve the Jewish farmers with HaYovel, and has lived full time in Israel for the last six years. Josiah is now a passionate ambassador for the nation of Israel.
Josiah’s family came on staff in 2011 and since then he has been very involved with HaYovel’s operations in Israel and with events in the United States. Josiah has traveled around the United States several times, speaking to many churches, congregations and individuals, advocating for the land of Israel.
Josiah is a show host for The Israel Guys Network, giving a weekly report on the accurate story of what is going on in the land of Israel. He also works in graphic design, content development, and email marketing for both HaYovel and The Israel Guys.
In the spring of 2024, Josiah fell in love and married Havah Waller, and together they now live full time in Israel.
Josiah and Havah are super excited about what God is doing in the land of Israel. They have committed to “never to be silent” about Zion and Jerusalem (Isaiah 61:1) and are passionate about sharing this message with the world!
Randy grew up in Virginia Beach, VA. In 1980, he married his wife, Lynne, and a few years later went to work for the Department of Defense, working for the Navy, Army Reserves, and Army Corps of Engineers throughout his 33-year career. Seven years into marriage, right before he was transferred to work in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Randy gave his life to the Lord. They lived in “Gitmo” for five years, which was a pivotal time of spiritual growth for Randy. Coming back to Virginia Beach as a Christian, Randy had his family involved in many church activities, as well as helping the children with their music lessons and local youth orchestras. He also began a lawn care business with his two oldest sons so they could work together and give the boys some income.
In 2008, now with eight children, the family’s worldview and lives began a drastic change when they took their first trip to Israel with HaYovel. After several years of traveling to Israel, Randy began working to process HaYovel’s visas during the evenings while continuing his job during the day. At the end of 2014, however, he made the decision to leave his employment of 33 years and join the full-time staff of HaYovel, managing our Volunteer Enrollment department. He is also a part of the leadership team and is a community elder at HaYovel’s base in Israel. He feels immensely privileged to help bring volunteers from all over the world to serve the Jewish farmers in the heartland of Israel and is dedicated to seeing the restoration of God’s Kingdom here on this earth.
Randy’s wife, Lynne, worked for many years with HaYovel’s volunteer enrollment team, alongside her husband and children. She passed away in December 2023 after a short battle with cancer. In her memory, Randy and the HaYovel team started the Kathryn Lynne Hilton Memorial Scholarship Fund that is dedicated to bringing believers to the land of Israel every year.
For as long as he can remember, David has had a heart for Israel and has been involved, alongside his family, in supporting the Jewish people and nation. Raised in a Christian home, he sees the significance of Israel and their importance in God’s plan for the restoration of all things. David’s desire to be a part of God’s work in the Land is what has brought him to Israel year after year.
He has always had a love, and some would say a knack, for photography and videography—getting his first camera when he was only eleven. Now ten years and a dozen trips to Israel later, he has combined his passion for Israel with his love for videography in order to share with the world the truth of what is actually happening in the heartland of Israel—Judea and Samaria.
David serves as studio manager and video editor at our Israel Guys studio in Har Bracha.
Justin is the youngest of eight siblings and grew up in a homeschooled family in Virginia Beach, VA. He was excited to make his first trip to Israel when he was seven years old. Ever since then, he has been a part of HaYovel’s volunteer operations.
Along with his family, Justin has been staying almost year-round in Israel since 2016. In early 2021, he graduated from high school and joined his older brother Luke working in HaYovel’s Marketing Department. Along with content development, photography, and graphic design, he continues to help out with HaYovel’s operations whenever he can.
Justin is passionate about the restoration of the Land of Israel and is excited to do his part in fulfilling Biblical prophecy by working full-time in Israel and ultimately accomplishing God’s plan for his life.
With her roots beginning in Amarillo, Texas, Peyton was surrounded by southern hospitality and a strong connection to God and her Christian morals. Growing up, she had the privilege of being part of a home and church that had their eyes fixed on Israel with the anticipation of when it would become the praise of the earth.
Peyton made her first trip to Israel when she was only seven years old and, from that moment on, her passion for Israel was solidified. Peyton went on her first volunteer trip with HaYovel for six weeks in the fall of 2022 and was certain that her life was destined to be wholeheartedly devoted to the restoration of Israel. After this pivotal experience, she could hardly keep away from the Holy Land; she went back to Israel two more times following those initial six weeks! She was in Israel when the war started on October 7, 2023 and, immediately, she knew that her role had become one to stay in Israel to serve, support, and encourage the Jewish people.
With an ever-growing passion for the Land, people, and proclamation that “the Land is good,” she began serving full-time in Israel in 2023 as a writer for The Israel Guys and as our Customer Relations Representative. In addition to this, she works in the kitchen to help feed volunteer groups, works on various projects on the ground in Israel, helps host volunteers, and any other roles she can attempt to fill.
Born and raised in Indiana, Jennifer received a Bachelors degree in accounting from Indiana University in 1995. She began a career in public accounting soon after graduation and passed the CPA exam and achieved licensure as a Certified Public Accountant in 1999.
In 2000 Jennifer became a mother to the first of two children and her deepest desire was to be privileged to stay home and raise and homeschool her children. She was able to invest in her family and children as her primary ministry but also use her accounting skills and education throughout the years.
In 2012 Jennifer began a spiritual journey that led to a love of Israel, His people, and an interest in the HaYovel ministry. Developing a deep desire to travel and serve at that time with HaYovel, it would be another ten years before that would pan out.
When she was able to attend the Grape Harvest in 2022 with HaYovel, she was so deeply impressed with the ministry and the heart of all the staff for the land of
Israel and its people.
Watching the sunrise over Elon Moreh with tears streaming down her cheeks, she was shocked that she was so deeply drawn to the land. She whispered, “Abba, if there is any way for me to serve the land and people it would be my privilege to do so.”
About a week later while talking with a staff member, they made the offhand remark “You’re a CPA? We have an opening in our accounting department if you have any interest.”
Jennifer and her family reside in Texas, where they have lived for the last 17 years.
Deon and Leoni were born and raised in South Africa, and immigrated to Australia 16 years ago to follow God’s leading for their life and raise their 4 precious children. In their journey to discover what modern day Israel meant to their faith, they came across the ministry of HaYovel in 2008. Their hearts immediately connected with the ministry and they came to realise that modern day Israel is a miraculous work from God in our generation and that the Bible is full of prophesy concerning this time. The return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel and the land responding by reversing desolation to fruitfulness is the much-awaited redemption happening before our eyes. Deon and Leoni’s desire is to devote their lives to serving God by participating as gentiles from the nations in the restoration of the land of Israel and blessing its people.
Deon serves as HaYovel’s forester, managing our Greening Israel Project and monitoring forestry plots throughout Judea and Samaria where thousands of new trees are now growing.
For as long as he can remember, HaYovel has been Mack’s life. Coming to Israel for the first time at just one year old, he has been living prophecy ever since. From speaking at congregations at five years old to literally blazing new roads on the mountains of Samaria, Mack has had a wild childhood.
There is never a dull moment with Mack. If he’s not with the volunteers out in the field, he’s probably working on a project around the base or shepherding sheep on some far-off hill in Samaria. Even more likely, he’s scheming up some new project—who knows where.
Mack’s favorite thing about his job is interacting with all the volunteers who come through and seeing them fall in love with God and His Kingdom. He has a passion for living out the Word of God and loves to challenge those around him to pursue God with radical zeal.
Tessa Waller serves as Kitchen Manager, where she plays a key role in ensuring smooth and efficient kitchen operations during all volunteer trips. Beyond her kitchen duties, Tessa assists wherever needed in the operations department, contributing to the overall success and seamless functioning of the organization. Tessa not only excels in the kitchen but her talents range from dry wall mudding all the way to being trained in a few medical areas.
Her commitment and adaptability highlight her passion for the work and her ongoing support of the organization’s success.
Daniel and Kate Miller, along with their three children—Dustin, Jeriah, and Kenisha—answered the call from God to move from the Amish and Mennonite community in Holmes County, Ohio, to be part of the restoration of Israel. Their journey began in 2016 when they first visited Israel and learned how modern Israel plays a crucial role in their faith. They discovered that God’s promises for the Jewish people never fail, which set them on a path to explore the roots of their faith.
In June 2024, they joined the staff at HaYovel after eight years of being pruned and prepared by God for this stage of life. They are passionate about and honored to contribute to the agricultural restoration of the land, as prophesied by Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:4-5 and Isaiah 61:4-5.
Daniel and Kate’s desire is to stand with Israel and the Jewish people at all costs, especially during this unprecedented time in history—the greater exodus—as God restores the Jewish people to their land despite the efforts of those who seek to destroy them.
Daniel’s previous experience in construction and remodeling enables him to serve as the project manager for agricultural construction projects in the biblical heartland of Israel (Judea and Samaria).
Charles was born and raised in south Louisiana and moved to northwest Arkansas four years ago. Raised in a home where God and family were the main focus, with a love of Israel passionately instilled, Charles made his first trip to Israel in June 2023. He saw the Bible come to life in front of him.
With a love of the Bible, a heart to serve the Jewish people, and a desire to see prophecy being fulfilled, he knew he wanted to be a part of the restoration of Israel. Charles joined HaYovel’s operations team in 2024 as base maintenance manager in Israel. He also manages various renovation projects and helps with hosting our volunteer teams while they are in Israel.
When Megan came to Israel for the first time, in 2006, she and her sister told each other, “We have to get everything out of this trip that we possibly can, because this is probably a once-in-a-lifetime trip.” (Before this trip, they had prayed with their family for twenty years to be able to come to Israel. Megan’s parents had raised the family in the Bible, with a focus on Israel.) Then, after they had been in the Land for a week or so, they looked at each other and said, “There is no way that this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip. We have to come back.” …and that has been a constant prayer, that the Lord has answered many times over.
Megan spent most of her growing-up years in Colorado. She and her siblings were homeschooled. She loved their little farm with milk goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, cats, dogs, and gardens. She and her siblings did 4-H, music lessons, science fairs, horseback riding lessons, and plenty of other activities – following their many interests.
She plays violin and piano – played for several years in the local Symphony Orchestra – and teaches music lessons. It has been a deeply meaningful experience to bring her violin to Israel to play in times of worship, and in the vineyards.
Megan is a blessed Auntie of several nieces and nephews, and loves opportunities to spend time with them and invest in their lives.
Along with several trips to Israel with HaYovel, she has also volunteered at different times in other ways – writing thank-you notes for donors, helping to organize events, answering the phone for HaYovel. Megan is thankful for the opportunity to work with and for HaYovel as the Enrollment Manager. She finds much joy in meeting the volunteers and hearing a little of their stories, and she is delighted to assist them in the process of coming to the Beautiful Land.