Tommy and Sherri hungered for more understanding and depth in their walk with God, having been brought up in traditional Christian churches with a 2-hour weekly encounter with Him. Initially, they began homeschooling which led to home fellowship. At each junction they encountered a crossroads and a new choice; eventually leading them down an ancient path where they found themselves seated at their first Passover seder! To their amazement, the seder was full of scripture! And lead them up to Zion where HaYovel was birthed!
For 16 years the Waller family has given their strength to the Jewish people, by bringing volunteers and gathering laborers to serve in the vineyards of Judea & Samaria. Of their 11 children, 8 have married and are receiving their blessings, treasures, and rewards. To their great joy, Tommy and Sherri have been blessed with 30 grandchildren with more on the way!
God has blessed Tommy with great favor within the political, religious, and social sectors. Tommy faithfully shares the truth about the eternal promises of God toward the Jewish people with the goal of turning the church back to Jerusalem and forever away from anti-semitism. HaYovel is pioneering a new road by submitting to the leadership of the community of Har Bracha and embracing rabbinic oversight as a Christian organization in Israel.
Havah, Tessa, and Mack Tanner own the vision and give their gifts freely. Havah manages the kitchen for volunteer trips and tour groups and designs graphics as well as doing photography. Tessa is the assistant kitchen manager and all-around helper. Mack leads teams, studies, and carries a huge load within the workforce. They all joyfully work countless hours simply for the love of God!
We honestly could not do this task without our children! They make our biggest dreams, those on the heart of God, COME TRUE!
Our family with the courageous Rabbi Eleazar Melamed, Chief Rabbi of Har Bracha and Avraham Hermon, our liaison to the community. Rabbi Melamed had the foresight and vision to welcome the nations and allow us the privilege of being a part of the physical redemption of the Land of Israel.
Sherri in the vineyard with a bunch of the grandchildren, our future harvesters!
A day in the life… bringing in the harvest with our granddaughter!
Tommy and Joshua with Rabbi Gessar, Chief Rabbi from Ofra, on a visit to the base. As he walked through the offices, he noticed the Isaiah 62 stand up poster. He said, “You have taken a scripture that would naturally represent a low position and elevated it to a very holy one!” We were greatly enriched by his visit.
A visit with Ambassador Friedman at the US Embassy in Jerusalem with life long friends Andy & Jan Marshall and Luke Hilton, our son-in-law.
We would be honored to share this journey with you and bring your love and help to the Jewish people!
Donations to support HaYovel staff members, volunteers, and projects are solicited with the understanding that HaYovel has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds and are non-refundable. No goods or services, except for intangible religious benefit, will be provided to donors of HaYovel in return for their contributions.