
Justin Hilton

serving with HaYovel since 2014

Hi there; I am Justin Hilton and I am super excited to be working full time here in the land of Israel.

The Kingdom of God is not just something to look forward to in the future, but is something that is happening today in our day and age. My passion is to help bring about the Kingdom and to share a message of hope and restoration to the world. By partnering with me, you will not only enable me to continue the work that God has called me to, but will have a straight connection to the land of Israel. I will send you photos and videos of my adventures here and of the important things that are happening in the land. Please prayerfully consider joining me on my quest as I take part in the redemption of Israel and follow the Lord’s leading. 

What do I do for HaYovel?

My main job is working for my older brother Luke in the Marketing department with graphics design and any other projects he might give me. I also help my brother Ben in the media department with filming weekly shows and assisting him with on-location film shoots all over Israel.

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved photography and have had a camera in my hand. Four years ago, I began taking pictures for HaYovel and am now one of the main photographers. 

During events when we host volunteers, I am out in the fields leading teams, helping with harvesting, pruning the grape vines, and planting trees.

Also, I do whatever my many bosses tell me to do. :-) 

Will you join my team and enable me to serve in Israel?



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Donations to support HaYovel staff members, volunteers, and projects are solicited with the understanding that HaYovel has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds and are non-refundable. No goods or services, except for intangible religious benefit, will be provided to donors of HaYovel in return for their contributions.