We would love it if you would join our team of monthly supporters letting us be your hands and feet in furthering this breathtaking redemption God is bringing about in the land of Israel and ultimately, the world. The kingdom of God is advancing with steady persistence and we feel so beautifully blessed and honored to be born into a generation to not only be able to see the beginning of its climax, but to also be able to participate in it. I honestly couldn’t think of a better time to be alive! God is moving and Stefania and I feel so honored and humbled to be participating in the capacity God has blessed us with. It is our dream to see God’s name restored to Jerusalem and all nations worshiping God in His holy House once again in Zion. Will you join us?
I first visited Israel back in 2010 and experienced the redemption first hand with my own eyes. It didn’t take me long to realize that working physically to forward this redemption here in the land of Israel was a calling God was placing on my life. Over the last seven years, I have been so incredibly blessed to be involved in producing hundreds of short films promoting Israel and the work of HaYovel along with filming, editing, and releasing over 30 episodes of The Joshua and Caleb Report, a television show that tells the captivating stories of some of the courageous pioneers in the land of Israel. I now spend most of my year in the land of Israel working on the HaYovel campus and enjoying the process of crafting inspiring stories through the medium of film that will touch the hearts and emotions of many and call them to play a greater part in the story of God’s Kingdom. I have a heart to see each and every person in this world to be touched with the reality of the incredible love God has for each of them, and to see all nations worshiping Him together in unity in His Holy House in Jerusalem. I am ready and longing to see Yeshua’s words ring true; for our Father’s House to be a House of Prayer for all nations once again!
By joining our team of monthly supporters, you will allow us to be your personal connection here in the land of Israel to the work God is doing through HaYovel. We will be sending exclusive inside updates, urgent prayer requests from the land, unreleased videos, and candid behind-the-scenes photos from our current projects.
Donations to support HaYovel staff members, volunteers, and projects are solicited with the understanding that HaYovel has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds and are non-refundable. No goods or services, except for intangible religious benefit, will be provided to donors of HaYovel in return for their contributions.