100% of your donation goes toward the restoration of God’s Kingdom to Israel, through networking, education, tourism, and activism.

Making a volunteer trip payment? Do not use this page. Click here to pay.

HaYovel is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States of America. Donations are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. HaYovel’s federal tax ID number is 20-4318425.

Giving Other Ways

Do you have another type of contribution not listed here that you feel called to offer to HaYovel?

We would be greatly honored to have the chance to discuss it with you, whether that is a talent, an asset, planned giving, or something else.

Please give us a call at 573-222-0460 or send us an email to [email protected]

send a check by mail

Please make checks payable to HaYovel and mail to:

P.O. Box 19
Greenville, MO 63944
United States of America

about your donation

Donations to support HaYovel staff members, volunteers, and projects are solicited with the understanding that HaYovel has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds and are non-refundable. No goods or services, except for intangible religious benefit, will be provided to donors of HaYovel in return for their contributions.