One of the most famous battles of the American Civil War was fought in Shiloh…. Wait a minute, that’s not the biblical Shiloh that we’re learning about today. A more important town named Shiloh is located in the biblical heartland of Israel. Here’s what you need to know about it and why it is much more significant than the one in Tennessee.
What’s so Special About Biblical Shiloh?
Maybe you vaguely recall the name “Shiloh” in your Bible or maybe you heard about Shiloh through the viral news of the red heifers. No matter how you first learned about this place, there’s much more to Shiloh than you could have ever imagined.
In today’s age, you will hear about both ancient and modern-day Shiloh. First we’ll discover ancient Shiloh.
Surrounded by awe-striking mountain scenes, biblical Shiloh is now distinguishable by the tourist attraction and archaeological dig located there. Encompassing this hilltop, however, is an entire society waiting to be unearthed.
At the heart of ancient Shiloh is the life of this region’s history – the location where the Tabernacle stood. Experts say that the Tabernacle stood here for 369 years. When you visit, you’ll be able to sense the enduring presence of God. As you walk through these ancient ruins, you experience more than just the Tabernacle site. Surrounding the Tabernacle are ruins of this ancient city. On this journey through time, you’ll be able to see the remains of ancient homes, churches, synagogues, olive presses, wine presses, and shattered pottery that was used to carry the holy sacrifices.
During one of the many archeological excavations, a twelve-handled pot was unearthed with the remains of millennia-old grapes. Even more exciting, with the use of advanced science, experts were able to plant the exact same grape variant today and make wine from it. This means that after the grapes have sufficiently grown for winemaking, you’ll be able to drink the same type of wine that the prophet Samuel would have drunk.
Speaking of Samuel . . .
The prophet Samuel’s story is intrinsically intertwined with the story of ancient Shiloh. His mother, Hannah, is known for her extraordinary prayer at the Tabernacle which led to an incredible gift from God, her son Samuel. The formerly barren woman dedicated her son to the service of God at the Tabernacle, under the authority of Eli the priest. After the Tabernacle was destroyed by the Philistines, Samuel then began his journey of prophecy. His path led him to anoint both King Saul and King David.
Biblical Shiloh was the Backdrop for Many Bible Stories
One of the not-so-famous tales of ancient Shiloh is the story of the Benjamites’ reconciliation to the other tribes of Israel. Following a horrific account of the Benjamites’ malicious murder of a woman, the eleven tribes declared war on them. After Benjamin had been defeated, the rest of the Israelites found it to be erroneous to completely destroy their brother tribe. This led to what is now called Tu B’Av, also known as the Jewish “Valentines Day.” On this day, the young maidens dressed themselves in white and met the young men of Benjamin. They married and saved the tribe of Benjamin from their priorly inevitable extinction.
The Past of Shiloh Was Rich, Its Future is Even Richer
Ancient Shiloh was astounding, but its future shows even more promise. Nearby to the ancient site is modern Shiloh, a modern, growing, thriving Jewish community.
The Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund is one of the most impactful locations that you will have the opportunity to learn about. Devoted to helping children who have been affected by terrorism, this organization set the bar for helping rehabilitate those who have suffered unspeakable tragedies through terrorism. Catering specifically to each child’s individual needs and trauma, Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund educates, heals, and restores these children back to the best state possible.
Modern Shiloh ensures that it remains close to its biblical roots. The synagogue in Shiloh is shaped as a replica of the tabernacle that stood for centuries on the nearby hilltop.
The Shiloh Attraction That Went Mega-Viral
Since 2022, Shiloh has a new claim to fame and, more than likely, you’ve heard about it. Shiloh is currently the home to the red heifers. Housed in ancient Shiloh, they have become a worldwide phenomenon. This buzz ranges from the red heifers being the cause for the October 7th attack to the potential ushering in of the Messiah.
You read that right. The red heifers may have the potential to usher in the Messianic reign. One Jewish belief theorizes that with the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer, the Mashiach will come to reign. So far, nine red heifers have been sacrificed.
Where did the heifers come from, are they the real deal, and what do they have to do with Shiloh? The red heifers are originally true Texas cows, but in 2022, they were flown from the heart of Texas to the biblical heartland of Israel. Some scholars question if they are acceptable for the sacred sacrifice since they are not originally from Israel. Others believe that these cows could be the first to be used for this sacrifice in thousands of years.
Biblical Shiloh’s Breathtaking Scenery
As with many attractions, Shiloh is also home to countless magnificent views. The surrounding mountain sides are covered with lush vineyards and native flora.
As you’re traversing the beautiful landscape, you are also nearly guaranteed to find pottery. The most striking thing about this pottery is not that a surplus of Jewish grandmothers have dropped their pots while working in the vineyards. Instead, this pottery dates back to the times of the holy tabernacle. After a sacrifice was given and some of it placed in the clay pot for the family, the pot was then considered a holy vessel. Once something becomes holy, it cannot be reused. The only thing left to do with the pot is to break it. This means that it’s likely that every piece of shattered pottery you find within view of Shiloh came from the times of the tabernacle itself!
Sold on Shiloh?
Whether you’re interested in the ancient city and tabernacle, the red heifers, the scenery, or something else, Shiloh is the place for you. One disappointing fact is that though many people have the desire to visit Shiloh, few are able to actually go. Many tour companies refuse to travel into the biblical heartland of Israel, but there’s some good news. On every single trip with HaYovel, you’ll be able to visit, not only Shiloh, but also go on the VIP tour to see the red heifers in person. You’ll even get to experience Shiloh beyond a tour. On some trips, HaYovel works in the vineyards surrounding the Tabernacles site. That means you’ll have a chance to find millennia old pottery while working in the fields! If you’re sold on visiting Shiloh and seeing its biblical roots firsthand, click here to explore HaYovel’s Israel trip options.